Do they even try the hidden ball trick in major league
baseball any more? Or is it considered too unprofessional?
In the early 1950s, Cincinnati Reds second baseman Connie
Ryan was a master of that deceptive stolen out.
In the first game of a May 6, 1951, doubleheader at the Polo
Grounds, the Reds had pulled ahead 4-3 in the top of the 10th inning
on a home run by shortstop Virgil Stallcup.
The Giants opened the bottom of the 10th with a
single by Whitey Lockman. Al Dark dropped down a sacrifice bunt and was thrown
out by first baseman Ted Kluszewski to Ryan, who covered first.
A moment later, the stadium was in an uproar. Third base
umpire Al Barlick had called Lockman out at second. Ryan had kept the ball in
his glove when he returned to his post at the keystone bag and tagged Lockman
out when he stepped off the base.

After the game Ryan refused to comment on the particulars
other than to say, “There were 27,766 spectators in the ball park today and I
don’t believe more than four saw me put the ball the ball on Lockman.”
Among those who missed the tag was second base umpire Lee
Ballanfant. Barlick was able to make the call from 90 feet away because he had
been tipped off by Reds third baseman Grady Hatton that Ryan might try
Barlick said, “I had
seen Ryan pull the trick on Del Rice of the Cardinals two years ago and I’ve
been watching him closely ever since. I saw him keep the ball after he made the
putout at first and suspected he might try to get Lockman. Sure enough, Lockman
made a quick step, Ryan put the tag on him and I called the runner out.
Ballanfant looked at me and I said, ‘Yes, he’s out.’ Why do the Giants take it
out on me? Why don’t they blame their coaches?”
As Barlick’s thumb went up, Giants manager Leo Durocher
raced out of the dugout. “Like most of the people in the park, I never saw the
play,” said Durocher. “But all I wanted to know was why the umpire on top of
the bag didn’t call the play and why one at another base did call it. When
Barlick told me he made an immediate call of the play, I told him he was a
liar. Everyone knows it took some time before he motioned ‘out.’ The next thing
I knew, I was out, too—out of the game.”
Lockman called Ryan’s maneuver a “bush trick.” That was
apparently among a host of other things he said, for two days later National
League President Ford Frick fined Lockman $25 for the use of “foul and abusive
language.” Frick also assessed Durocher a $50 plaster.
After the brouhaha had settled, Monty Irvin grounded to Ryan
to end the game.
You’d think the Giants would have been especially vigilant
of Ryan. He had successfully pulled the hidden ball trick on them a year
earlier when he nabbed pitcher Monte Kennedy in a game at Cincinnati . The out had spiked a Giants
threat in a game that Kennedy eventually lost 1-0. Coincidentally the winning
Reds run in that game had been a Virgil Stallcup home run.
Ryan had been using the hidden ball ruse since his minor
league days. He explained that he only tried it when he made the out at first
base on a bunt. He’d hide the ball in his glove and go back to second, hoping
to catch the runner napping.
“It doesn’t cost anything,” Ryan said. “If it works, it can
mean a ball game. If it misses, the worst you can get is a laugh from the
Twenty-five years ago when I was playing softball for the Krause Publications team, our second baseman, Dan Albaugh, who was ad manager of SCD, pulled the same trick in a game. He asked the base runner to step off second so he could straighten the bag, then applied the tag.
I honestly don't remember what the outcome was. I'm not even sure that maneuver is permitted in slow-pitch softball. I just know that everybody in the park thought it was a dick move, even his teammates.
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